Monday, March 29, 2010

Source Evaluation - Marianne J. Legato, MD, FACP

Solution 3 – Marianne J. Legato, MD, FACP
Dr. Legato is an award winning expert on gender specific medicine. She is a professor of clinical medicine at Columbia University where she founded and heads the Partnership for Gender-Specific Medicine. She wrote Why Men Never Remember and Women Never Forget , with Laura Tucker.
I believe that the information that I read from Dr. Legato was in my opinion, the best. She has several “Laws” that she believes will improve communication between the sexes.
1. The first law is to Tailor Your Content – By this she means that men and women tend to be interested in different things and can cause conflict in the way in which we talk to each other. By extending this courtesy to our spouses and focus our conversation on topics that may be of interest to both parties.
2. The second law is Keep It Simple – She believes that men and women can understand each other if they make an effort to bridge the communication gap by mastering a common language. To talk with men women should keep it simple, and use declarative points. Men on the other hand can be more expressive and provide more details to help women engage in conversation.
3. 3rd Rule – Stick to the Matter at Hand - This rule means just what it states, leave the past in the past and focus on the matter at hand.
4. 4th and final law – Believe What You Hear – Regardless of whether or not the conversation has the outcome that you are hoping to achieve, you have to take what your partner says at face value. You cannot adjust it to suit your purpose as this will create conflict and heartbreak later.

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